Other people in my class may class me crazy for saying it, but C++ is my favourite
programming language. It may be because by nature, C++ gives a lot of power to the
programmer and I believe that allows me to get the feeling that I'm the one in control
C++ might be a dated language but I still have a lot of appreciate for it.
With that being said, I was very worried for this assignment. This was the final one given in
our C++ class and while it did look like it was the coolest from the demos our teacher showed,
it also stressed me to look at. It was not the language that got in my head, the assignment just
appeared to have a lot of moving parts.
The way that the simulation works is simple. There is a grid that has both Zombies and Humans
at each cell. With each game tick the Zombies and Humans would move around the board. Then there
are some rules for each move. If a Human goes 8 moves on the board they will "find" a new Human who
is added to the game, and if a Zombie encounters a Human, the Zombie will "eat" the Human and turn
them into a Zombie. Finally if a Zombie goes 8 moves without eating a Human, they will be converted
back into a Human.
When I finally got into it and started coding things felt really smooth, I felt that I was stressed
over nothing, which seems to be par for the course. I realized that this was the final assignment
and our teacher didn't give it to us to stress us out, he gave it to us so that we could have fun
with it. Once I discovered that I started to feel more relaxed and all the puzzel pieces fell into
place, overall it was the project that I had the most fun with last semester, and it gave me
a new, deeper appreciation for C++