Jack MacKinnon

Second-year programmer at NSCC with a diverse skill set in, C++, C, C#, Python, Java, and PHP. Also proficient at using Git + Github, With a strong passion for IT and a drive to continuously improve my skills, I am always eager to take on exciting challenges and projects!

Read about me

My Story

I'm Jack. I'm a 19-year-old programmer, and it would be really easy for me to type "this is what I've always wanted to do", and that "I was a fantastic student", but the truth is that I was not a fantastic student, and this is not always what I wanted to do. I always had a computer, and they were always involved in my life, but programming was not something that I ever thought about. I just enjoyed gaming on the computer and hanging out with friends.

When I was in middle school, I would have people ask me what I wanted to do when I grew up. I would always respond, "I want to be an architect." I know architecture is a lot different than a programmer, but we'll get there. I was a terrible student in middle school, with very low marks, and I just did not care. When I got to high school, I knew that something had to change because it was serious now. I would have to go to university after this, and again, it would be easy for me to sit here and say, 'that is exactly what I did,' but it's not. I continued to be an awful student who, again, just did not care.

Then, when I got to grade 11, there was an event where universities and colleges would come in, and we could go to ask questions about different programs and what classes we needed to get in. I was terrified. I had bad marks and still was thinking I wanted to be an architect, so I made my way over to the NSCC booth and asked them about their Architectural Engineering program. I found out that I had to take Physics, which was an instant out. Physics was the hardest science at the school, so I knew right there that I could not do that. Now I was lost again.

Course selection came around, and I noticed on the paper a program called "Computer Programming 12" and I thought "Hm, that might be interesting" and I signed up for it. Little did I know at the time I had just made the best decision of my entire life. As soon as I got in that class and started coding, I was hooked. This was it, this was exactly what I wanted. So, I looked at what NSCC had for programming and found a course called IT Programming and put my name on the waiting list. In any other case, had I taken Computer Programming 12 earlier, I would've enrolled in Computer Science at Dalhousie. The reason that I didn't at this point was because I did not have the proper classes. See, Computer Science requires you to have Pre-Calculus 1 and Pre-Calculus 2. I didn't have these, and it was too late to take them at this point. That is fine because at NSCC they offer continuing education credits, so I could take the math at NSCC and transfer to Dal.

Entering that classroom on the first day, I was so nervous. I had so many thoughts that I knew nothing and that everyone would be way ahead of me. Turns out, IT Programming is designed for people with no knowledge of programming at all. I was so relieved, to say the least. That first semester, as stressful as it was, was the best 4 months of my life. I enjoyed everything we did. I was in a class with so many great people that shared a lot of the same interests as I do. It was fantastic. I know that the main reason I came to NSCC was to upgrade my Math credits, but now, if you offered me the chance to go back to high school to get the correct credits and go directly to Dalhousie, I would not take it. NSCC has been such a great experience, and I would not change anything.

I'm not sure what happened, maybe it's because I finally understand the importance of school, or maybe I'm doing something that I finally enjoy, but something changed in my mind. I became a great student, I had entered NSCC with a goal to not get a zero on anything (high expectations, I know). Not only did I meet that goal, I never turned an assignment in late. This carried over to my Pre-Calculus course that I took in May 2022, where I finished with a 100 in the class. With these achievements, I now have the confidence to go to Dalhousie and get a degree where I can work in a field that I'm so passionate about. I'm so glad for everything NSCC has done for me and the friends that I have gained from this, and I will keep these last 2 years close to me.

About Me

My Info

I'm currently studying at NSCC, where I'm pursuing a diploma in computer programming. I'm also upgrading my math credits so that I can continue my studies and earn a degree in computer science. I'm passionate about exploring programming languages and experimenting with different software and hardware.

My Achievements

Graduated High School with High Honours with an 85.3 average.

Achieved Honours first year at NSCC with an 94.9 average.

Finished Pre-Cal 1 at NSCC with a grade of 100.

On track to graduate NSCC with Honours.

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